Premium Ecommerce SEO Agency

Get a 5x Return from SEO. Guaranteed.

We know where to focus on to get the best results in the least amount of time.

We're so confident in our algorithm we guarantee results in our contract.

No risk to get started.

The Problem

You have endless options to choose from but you keep second guessing yourself

You don't know where to start first without data

Finding good keywords is too manual and tedious

You're not sure what's working and what isn't

eCommerce Keyword Research Services

We know what keywords to focus on first to get you fast results

SEO Optimization Growth Chart
Your keyword research needs to inform your content strategy, but knowing what to prioritize still feels like guesswork. We'll get the data for your Total Searchable Market™ and prioritize each topic cluster for your specific website.

Every company's priority score is uniquely calculated for their website using our proprietary algorithm that ranks topics so the highest value for the least amount of effort are at the top.

High-quality, data-rich insights enable us to start delivering you a noticeable performance lift in the first week.
Ardent Growth On-Page Optimization Results
Cody West, Founder of The Query

Cody West

Founder, The Query

"Turns out SEO doesn't have to take time. 20 minutes of work added 6 figures of net new revenue for us in the first 30 days alone."
Brendan Hufford, Founder of Growth Sprints

Brendan Hufford

Founder, Growth Sprints

"Figuring out how to properly organize things on a large content-driven website felt impossible. Ardent Growth made it a breeze."
On-Page Optimization

Our experts know exactly what on-page optimizations you need for each page to get more traffic

Ardent Growth Keyword Research Platoform
We know what issues to fix for each page. From product and category pages to blog content,  we'll use our proprietary algorithm to find you quick wins to get you the most value from each and every page by:
Fixing page-level keyword gaps for every page.
Identifying and fixing cannibalization issues.
Building internal links with optimized anchor text.
Optimizing and updating your content for search intent.
Providing UX recommendations to improve conversions.
SEO On-Page Optimizations Checklist Example
eCommerce SEO Results

Get up to 1286% more organic traffic across your Total Searchable Market™

Organic Traffic Growth Chart
Ardent Growth's eCommerce SEO services will optimize the right pages on your site to get you the most traffic and conversions from organic search.

HawkSEM grew their organic traffic by 1286% after working with Ardent Growth.

You need good data to make good decisions. Do you know what pages are worth spending time and money on to fix? We do. And we'll help you improve your SEO by following these core principles:
Be Comprehensive
We get all the data necessary so nothing slips through the cracks and hurts you down the line.
Maximize Efficiency
Prioritize your resources based on impact and effort so you don't waste money or time.
Continuous Improvement
Our algorithm evolves as you grow so we're always one step ahead of the competition and don't miss anything.
Surgically Precise
We help you identify, plan, and create new pages that you can rank for quickly and predictably.
Organic Traffic Growth Chart
Ardent Growth helps you win by following these core principles.

Alternatives to Ardent Growth

Ardent Growth is the right choice when you value:

  • Fast results (we work fast and consistently get clients a noticeable lift in traffic within the first week)
  • Comprehensive high-quality data (we have the ability to collect data for your entire TAM so you can maximize your market share)
  • Reliable results (our priority scoring is calibrated to give you the most bang for your buck)

Your alternatives:

SEO tools

There are a ton of SEO tools out there that will audit your site and flag issues for you to fix. These are great if you want to manually spend hours (if not weeks) tediously going through it all and don't mind working with generic data that isn't custom-tailored for your specific website and technical capabilities.

Ardent Growth delivers done-for-you SEO services uniquely tailored to your company based on your topical authority and no SEO tool can match our speed, quality, and expertise.

Marketing agencies

Other SEO agencies are excellent when:

  • Speed isn't a concern. Most take 3-6 months to do what we can do in a few weeks.
  • You don't care about having a competitive advantage. Most SEO agencies just use the same generic data you can get from SEO tools and don't have the ability to prioritize things specifically for your website. And the big agencies that sell cheap SEO retainers don't have the margins to give you the same level of high-quality service you need.
  • You don't mind paying a monthly retainer. Most agencies want to sell you everything under the sun and get you to sign a 12 month contract instead of just giving you what you need.

Ardent Growth starts delivering results in the first 3-4 weeks, using our own proprietary software to pull live data from Google, map it to your website, prioritize the results using an algorithm trained specifically on how Google works, and then immediately taking action.

We don't force people into long-term contracts. We work in short (but intense) sprints so you don't have to wait 6-9 months to start seeing an impact.

These folks trust Ardent Growth to get the results they need from SEO

Get the most advanced SEO services so you get more traffic to your website in weeks, not months.

Cody West, Founder of The Query

Cody West

The Query

Turns out SEO doesn't have to take time. 20 minutes of work added 6 figures of net new revenue for us in the first 30 days alone.
Chris Dreyer, Founder of

Chris Dreyer

Founder & CEO

Traffic and leads keep growing and I don't have to waste time checking their work. They see the big picture and can execute it too.
Klaus Kleinfeld

Klaus Kleinfeld


Even our ad agency was impressed. They couldn't believe how quickly our organic traffic grew on a brand new ecommerce site in the health industry.
Tim Hanson SEO & Content Strategist

Tim Hanson


It's the best keyword research you'll ever get in your entire life.
I literally stopped doing keyword research because of how good the TSM is from Skyler and Ardent Growth.
Brendan Hufford, Founder of Growth Sprints

Brendan Hufford

Growth Sprints

Figuring out how to properly organize things on a large content-driven website felt impossible. Ardent made it a breeze.
Sam Yadegar, Founder of HawkSEM

Sam Yadegar


Working with Ardent Growth has been phenomenal. They dive into your business model, create growth goals, and deliver tangible results.

What's included in our eCommerce SEO services?

Ardent Growth solely focuses on delivery high-impact results for online stores built on Shopify or WooCommerce. We’ve worked with 50+ brands but over time we realized the proprietary software we built helps us deliver the best results for eCommerce companies trying to rank at the top of Google and other major search engines for their most valuable keywords.

Prioritized eCommerce SEO Strategy
We compile keyword data for your Total Searchable Market™ and prioritize it based on ROI to maximize the return of your SEO campaign.

We focus on finding the biggest constraints first and fixing them. For most companies, this means focusing on your product pages and category pages first.

Technical SEO Analysis
We conduct a comprehensive technical audit of your eCommerce website to identify any and all issues present. But unlike most agencies that will waste hours fixing every little thing, we focus on the most impactful things that actually matter first. These include things like page speed issues, crawling errors, duplicate content, 404 errors, redirect loops, orphaned pages, missing titles, and more.

eCommerce Keyword Research for your Total Searchable Market™
Our keyword research methodology removes the guesswork from SEO and content marketing by telling us exactly what pages to create and optimize to get the most conversions from organic traffic.

We start by compiling data for your entire Total Searchable Market™. Then we process it using our clustering, mapping, and prioritization algorithms. We give you direct access to our custom tool so you can explore the data on your own as well.

eCommerce Page Speed Optimization
We’ll optimize the pages that matter most to make sure they load fast so you don’t lose conversions due to poor user experience. We also improve your Core Web Vitals to make Google happy and improve your rankings.

Comprehensive eCommerce SEO Audit
In addition to a technical audit, we’ll also conduct a more in-depth SEO audit and content audit to identify and fix the most important issues across your website. This includes auditing your content, backlinks, internal links, and user experience.

eCommerce Content Strategy
Strategy is about making choices. It’s about knowing how to leverage your strengths and your competitor’s weaknesses to deliver the most value to your market. Unlike most agencies, we don’t plan content based on guesswork and vanity metrics.

Our algorithms give us the ability to personalize recommendations for your specific website so we know what pages to plan on your content calendar that balance high value with predictably fast ranking potential.

Conversion Rate Optimization
We’ll help you improve your website’s conversion rate using the scientific method. We’ll develop hypothesis, design experiments, then conduct A/B tests to find winners.

Revenue-Focused Reporting
We track a lot of things but we focus our reporting on the things you care about most. We’ll work with you to define the top things you want to measure and track to hit them. We’ll use these key performance indictors (KPIs) to guide and iterate on our execution so your hit your target objectives for the quarter or year.

Link Building
Most agencies will try to sell you a generic link building package where they go and buy links from vendors on private markets. Not only is this a waste of time, it doesn’t work in the long-term. Instead of buying links from the same places everyone else is, we focus on helping you generate content that people actually want to link to.

We do this by finding evergreen topics that will naturally generate links over time while also capitalizing on current events and trends to generate content that resonates with news and media outlets.

eCommerce SEO FAQs

What is SEO in eCommerce?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in eCommerce is the process of making your website more visible on search engines so it ranks higher and gets more organic traffic.

Why is SEO important for eCommerce?

SEO is important for eCommerce because it helps you rank higher on Search Engine results Pages (SERPs) than your competitors. Benefits include increased organic traffic, brand awareness, reduce customer acquisition costs, and conversions.

How much does eCommerce SEO cost?

The average cost of eCommerce SEO services is between $150-$350 per hour for expert U.S. based companies that won’t ruin your website and brand reputation. Most eCommerce companies spend between $2,500–$10,000 per month for SEO services. Ardent Growth pricing starts at $5,000 per month for SEO services.

However, the size and competitiveness of your market can dramatically affect this. For example, companies like Nike and IKEA spend over $1 million per year on SEO.

Which eCommerce platform is the best for SEO?

The best eCommerce platform for SEO is the one is based on its ease of use, customization, integrations, and scalability. Shopify is, in our opinion, the best eCommerce platform for SEO because it makes everything else necessary to succeed with an online store easier.

How long does eCommerce SEO take?

According to Maile Ohye (a former Developer Tech Lead at Google), SEO needs four months to a year to implement improvements and begin to see potential benefits.

However, the time it takes really depends on your goals, strategy, resources, competition, and current performance. When we work with companies that already have an established website with dozens of products, we’re typically able to start showing results within the first 30 days. For newer websites it can take 6-12 months to gain momentum but once we do, they’re usually able to outperform top competitors in their market despite having low authority.

How do you optimize eCommerce product pages for SEO?

Optimizing eCommerce product pages for SEOs is done by first making sure you’re targeting the right types of queries your target market searches for and mapping them to the appropriate pages.

It’s not uncommon for eCommerce companies to target the wrong keywords with their product pages or bottleneck themselves by using one page for a set of queries when they really need two separate product pages.

From there, you should focus on creating dynamic custom elements that make it easy to update pages in bulk to ensure each one has the right information both people and search engines expect to find on the page.

Ready to get started?

Book a free call with us to learn more.