Need more clients?

We help professional service providers get more clients, free up their time, and build profitable businesses.

Book a call to see how to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

Who's this for?

Do you feel you should be further ahead than you are?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, "Why am I not further ahead yet?" If you're frustrated by the slow progress, you're not alone.

Are you tired of paying for traffic and just want clients?

Do you wish you could just pay to get more clients instead of wasting cash that gets you a lot of traffic but doesn't turn into money?

Do you feel like you keep spinning your wheels?

Are you trying to build a profitable practice but feel like you're stuck spinning your wheels and can't get traction?

What folks have to say about working with us

Capacity is limited. Book a call today if you want to stop spinning your wheels.

Cody West, Founder of The Query

Cody West

The Query

Turns out SEO doesn't have to take time. 20 minutes of work added 6 figures of net new revenue for us in the first 30 days alone.
Chris Dreyer, Founder of

Chris Dreyer

Founder & CEO

Traffic and leads keep growing and I don't have to waste time checking their work. They see the big picture and can execute it too.
Klaus Kleinfeld

Klaus Kleinfeld


Even our ad agency was impressed. They couldn't believe how quickly our organic traffic grew on a brand new ecommerce site in the health industry.
Sam Yadegar, Founder of HawkSEM

Sam Yadegar


Working with Ardent Growth has been phenomenal. They dive into your business model, create growth goals, and deliver tangible results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get?

You get more clients. It's that simple. You tell us how many you want and we'll tell you how we can make that happen and what it will take.

How will I know it's going to happen?

You don't. But you only pay a deposit up front when you work with us, then pay the rest as you start making money using our system. We also offer performance-based guarantees.

How long with this take?

Most companies can hit their goal within 11 months. But it depends on your goal and resources.

What's expected from me?

Follow our guidance, meet with us weekly to review performance and progress, and continue to serve your clients.